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We can call this one "How to find the fan?"

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:43 pm
by chas
Have you noticed that whenever the steam boiler light is blinking you can hear the sound of a fan running inside the machine?

Even though I've had all the covers off and looked for it several times, I had never sighted it until the other day. To get a clear view of it you have to:

1) Remove the drip tray.
2) Remove the chrome panel behind the drip tray by removing the two screws and pulling it out.
3) Behind the expansion valve and the 3-way valve pipes that stick down into the rear right side area of the drip tray you will see a small L shaped chrome piece whose purpose it is to keep the 3-way from spraying water back into the electronics area. It is fastened by one screw into the right side panel. Remove this and you will see the fan right behind it mounted to the base of the unit. (BTW: it'll take you longer to read these instructions that it will to do this!)

The fan pulls cool air from under the machine and blows directly up onto the Triac that supplies power to the steam boiler's heating coil. It comes on only when the heating coil is on. In spite of its small size and location buried down at the bottom of the unit you can actually feel the moving air if you put your hand over the cup rack on top of the S1 while the fan is running.