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Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:29 am
by fade2greyuk

I've just picked up a used (from a pub) S1 Vivaldi II & a Mazzer Super Jolly timer - both seem to have had a bit of a life in a pub. the coffee machine powers up etc but I haven't had a chance to plumb it in & get it going properly yet - need to get a water filter as this is my first plumb in.

I can't find any guides for refurbing these machines (or I've failed to spot them!) can anyone point me in the right direction of what stuff I should check or do by way of maintenance & servicing on it before I get it all properly installed in the kitchen?

I've got the original bill of sale from la spaziale UK (07/07/2009) I haven't opened it up yet but hopefully it'll be the later spec.


Re: Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:53 am
by Futahaguro
There may not be a guide but there are hundreds of posts on here about working on the machine. There are plenty of posts before mine but I have a bunch of posts on here with pictures about what I did to mine. You can also run it from a pitcher if you want to get it going before you plumb it.

Re: Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:02 am
by fade2greyuk
Well just looked at the date of my original post, it really has taken me this long to finish the kitchen!

So my s1 vii has been sitting all this time, it's now plumbed in and I've started to have a look to see if it works and anything that needs doing.

Seems to be mostly fine but got an odd problem drawing espresso - with no coffee in the portafilter I get water flow but with coffee in I get the low flow alarm (3 orange leds flashing) after a couple of secs. I've kept trying and now getting a trickle of espresso but the alarm still keeps coming on. Can it really be that the grind is too fine/tight? - I'm using the same settings as my gaggia classic which produces a good shot. Really surprised to see it struggle, was expecting to end up tighter! Or is it a symptom of something else?


Re: Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:35 pm
by Velcro
IDK if you gaggia portafilter is the same size, but would think with the 53mm the deeper puck might need a looser grind.
Try it and see how it tastes?
You probably need to teach it what your normal is too (once you get it dialed in), so that it can report when your low or high.

Re: Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:42 pm
by fade2greyuk
Thanks for the reply.

Am away until the weekend but will start from scratch after a back flush and see how we get on with weights and timings and go from there. Need to see what the pressure gauge is doing while it's going to make sure it's building pressure properly.

Re: Just picked up a S1 Vivaldi II - used, now what

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:54 pm
by fade2greyuk
For anyone searching or interested, progress being posted over on home barista : ... ml#p578690