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Does seasonality affect grinder settings

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:49 am
by wkwan
Hi all,

I think my problem has been solved, but I just want to confirm with others.

I live in New York and temperatures have dropped from the 80s in the last week or so to high 50s at night. I noticed this morning that when I was performing a shot that it just gushed out blonde, so I did it again and really tamped harder than normal, same results.

So being a noob, I cleaned the screens on the machine, inspected the gasket and tried another shot, same thing. I noticed that pressure on the guage was really low when performing a shot, so my attention moved to my mazzer grinder. I pretty much cleaned the grinder, recalibrated and then performed another shot, same results.

What I didn't do and now I know is to adjust the grinder for a finer grind which resulted in a slower and more full shot.

The question is because of the temperature drop recently, this does affect the grind of the beans and needs to be adjusted correct?


Re: Does seasonality affect grinder settings

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:38 pm
by LDT
In my experience, the coffee bean and to a lesser extent, it's age since roasting, makes the biggest difference. I am assuming you live in a heated area where the temperature is relatively stable.

Re: Does seasonality affect grinder settings

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:57 am
by rhinoevans
Coriolis effct and rotation of the earth, possibly. :shock: