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Taking hot water valve out

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:20 pm
by gene
Couldn't get an answer on hot water leak so did the job myself after two calls to Chris Coffee last week. Piece of cake with my wife helping with a magnet to retrieve small screws or washers that dropped.
CC sent me a PDF exploded view of the stem, valve and piston assembly which made all the difference. Never realized even the hot water supply had its own pump, or regulator.

The hot water has been slow dripping for six months and increased slightly lately. If left on resulted in half cup at end of day.
Turns out it must have been my water leaving a slight whitish deposit inside assembly. After two years it left valve open slightly enough for tiny drops to escape.

In a way I'm glad this happened because the deep mysteries of how some of the sensitive parts interact, come apart, and are repaired is much more clear.
And per CC's instructions simple white vinegar works miracles.
Thanks guys!

Re: Taking hot water valve out

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:53 pm
by MDL
Yes, over time the hot water solenoid valve can (does) become scaled. In my case this resulted in a great reduction in flow while in yours it resulted in the valve failing to close fully. Either way it seems common to expect to need to take the valve apart and soak in white vinegar to clean it up.

Re: Taking hot water valve out

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:12 pm
by chas
BTW: The Parts Manual for all pre-Dream version that includes the exploded diagrams can be downloaded from the VII/VII Mini site linked at the top of this forum. It is also available on the CCS website. This is a very useful manual to have even if the text is in Italian!

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