level tamp

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level tamp

Post by doppio »

Anyone have any tips on how to ensure a level tamp? I currently use the custom Thor from Chris', hold the PF on a level surface and grasp the tamper like a doorknob to apply 30lbs of force straight down. It seems, however, that the top surface of the puck is always approx. 1-2mm lower on the left side (I judge this against the groove in the basket). This is very consistent. I'd like to hear about any tricks to ensure a consistent level puck surface.

Post by wgaggl »

When I started making Espresso I found it hard to focus on tamping straight down and keeping the portafilter level at the same time.
Here's what helped me:
Les from Thor made me a little PF holder http://www.rimpo.org/wforum/viewtopic.p ... light=#496 so the PF basket is always level and I can focus on tamping straight down. Also make sure that the countertop isn't too high (having it a little bit below your belt seems right), if you have your underarm straight down, there's a higher chance for being level. Other than that I found it's just practise...
One more thing: If you're doing the tamping procedure 5lbs first then the 30lbs tamp, don't try to fix an uneven first tamp with the second tamp done in a different angle. In many cases that will lead to uneven extraction and channeling.


Post by doppio »

Thanks for the info Wolfgang. Reading your reply made me realize that I often try to correct my initial uneven tamp and that is what may be causing the channeling. I like your PF holder and tamper! Is it 53.5mm like the Thor from Chris'?


Post by wgaggl »

Les at Thor made this tamper for me according to a S1 factory basket he had. It's not from Chris Coffee. I have never measured it, but it fits very well. I must confess though, that I use my Expressivo http://www.wholelattelove.com/WholeLatteLove/oak_ss.cfm more often than the Thor tamper. I guess I just got used to it. But the PF holder I use all the time, it's really convenient (unless I use the crotchless PF).

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