Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

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Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »


my project has reached next step.

It is a modification for the (Mini) Vivaldi II which enables:
  • Timer function
  • network access (Wifi)
  • switching between manual / automatic dose
  • power consuption messurement
  • shot timer and database

We are working on an english translation of the project documentation here: ... creenshots
Everybody is invited to improve translation which started with google translate ;)

Kind regards,
Last edited by jopa on Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

New software release V1.0 is now public under the known link.

Some fixes
Webbased switch on with or without boiler
Better raspberry b+ support
Shot database with clean button for uncommented shots
Shots under 8 sec will not be added to shot database, so cups can be heated without database enty
And much more....
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Chura »

Thank you for your work!
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Meanwhile project has moved forward and has its own fixed place in kaffee-wiki: ... %C3%A4hler

Functions in actual version V1.03 are:
  • programming of the (mini) vivaldi via web interface
  • unlimeted timers for switching machine on/off (daily, weekly, single activation) (with/without boiler (non-Mini versions))
  • switch on/off via internet with any browser (nice on the way home ;) )
  • non-mini versions can be switched on with/without steam boiler
  • shot counter and shot database with favourites (automatic and manual)
  • switsh on/off of dose automatic
  • automatic cleaning function
  • simple user interface
  • wifi
  • automatic power off the machine, when forgotten
  • exact time, even after power blackout
  • automatically daylight saving time
  • switching between manual / automatic dose
  • power consuption messurement
  • user management
  • configuration via webinterface
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Chura »

amazing stuff, really want to start this project also.
Thanks for you hard work!
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

This link works ;-) ... %C3%A4hler

Incredible work jopa! Thank you :grin:

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

Thank you Jopa for your exiting project!

My Vivaldi (non Mini) is now running your MyTimer and do it very well. I have installed (as many other S1VII owners) the IKEA Dioder light pods as barista light - this is awesome!

However, I am looking for somewhere in the control unit to switch the light on permanently when GPIO22 goes high for 3 sec. and off when GPIO22 goes high shortly twice.... this would be trivial for a normal on/off switch. Can you help please?

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Hello Steffen,

thank you for your feedback.

Also the new feature could be a thought worth.

My first thoughts:
It could be easy, but what happens when machine is switched manually?
When machine is switched off manually, the light will not switch on.
If machine will be switched on, the light does not switch on.

My first idea is to do this without the myTimer. A timer relais should help, which is honnected to the boiler heater.
It switches on, when machine heats. Afer a defined time, if heater is of since 20 minutes delay, light goes off.

A possilbe timer would be: "finder 80.41"
Finder should be available worldwide.

Kind regards, Jopa
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

Good idea Jopa :) and I would choose the group boiler as it's re-heating with intervals of only 1-2 min, whereas my steam boiler might be switched off...

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

jopa wrote: ....It switches on, when machine heats. After a defined time, if heater is of since 20 minutes delay, light goes off...
Do you know if one of the 4 orange relays in the Vivaldi control unit will trigger the group boiler?
I can hear that one of the relays control the steam boiler (when I push the boiler button it clicks), but as I said in my earlier post I would like NOT to switch the light pods depending on the state of the steam boiler....

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Hello Steffen,
i have no wirering diagram availabe and my Vivaldi is closed. I would assume one Relaus should do the job, but it clould also be done by a triac.
It does not matter. You have the connecrors outside the blackbox. If You use a high voltage relais, you can connect there.
The above mentioned Finder relais could do that job.

Kind regards,
(now on holidays - back on 12.08.2015)
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by lars »

Any chance you or others would translate that awesome looking guide?

Does it feature a REST API?
Could it perhaps become a future feature?
- it would be nice to be able to read/set settings etc. from perhaps other website projects/apps.

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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by chas »

I have the Google Translate extension installed in Chrome and it does a great job translating this from German into English. Your mileage may vary with other language translations.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

lars wrote:Any chance you or others would translate that awesome looking guide?
You can always contact me Lars - I implemented all features/options except the power sensor. Although I am not fluent in German I managed to decipher all of it ;-)

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

English translation woud be great.If you have a first draw, you can create an english page in the wiki.
For technical details i will make a review.
Maybe this would also be a help for other users.

I am not sure wether al translations in the software are OK. If you have better translations, i can change this.

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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Lav »

What I meant was that Lars could contact me and ask - we are both Danes ;-)
However, I might give it a shot in English anyway someday soon... I think your work deserves a broader audience

| La Spaziale Vivaldi II + myTimer mod |​ Mahlkönig PEAK and EK43Short | Aillio Bullet R1 roaster| Acaia Lunar scale | ​AeroPress, Bialetti Venus |
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Thank you. If you could help, it would be great. I can also translate some points, but i think this would need a big review ;)

As i see, one function is only documented in german forum and not in the wiki.
I am not sure, if it is interisting for you, but the mytimer has also a build in printer server with airplay.
If you have a printer with network interface, but no airplay, the mytimer makes airplay working with any printer.
Printer needs no physical connection to the Vivaldi. Both have to be in same network.
You can configure it with: http://vivaldi:631

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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

I started wit first translation with help of google translate here: ... creenshots

I did first review to the translation. I think it should be understandable.

If a sentence makes no sense or is unclear, please give me also a hint.

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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by shinto »

the Project looks amazing.
Does this mod works with the vivaldi S1v2 not the mini?
if so what does it include? I have a RPI 1B I can use
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by marcusr »

It seems like I might be late to this party, but I am definitely on-board for this mod. I have a S1 V1, that was manufactured pretty late (i believe) because it has the power circuit board encased in the black box and the longer steam arm. Either way, it seems like a lot of people have had success with this mod and I'm going to give it a shot (no pun intended).
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by raddude »

I just bought the raspberry pi 3 B with a 3 relay board. Will the software work for version 3?
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

I have no pi3, so i can noch check it out.
Pi3 should have the same pins, so i assume it should work.
If not, just spend some €/$ for a pi2.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by raddude »

the pinout is the same, however, I attached a 3 relay board and the associated pins for the relay are now GPIO 26 for relay 1, GPIO 20 for relay 2 and GPIO 21 for relay 3. I can remove the default jumpers and add jumper wires to match your program. I'll do that this week and report back to the forum. I'm so excited trying out the mod and having the ability to start my Vivaldi automatically.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

If it is working with your pi3. Please update the wiki for pi3. It will help other users.

Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Daniels7 »

Add me to the list of those how are very interested in how this is turning out.

I have a late build V1 of the S1 Vivaldi. Being able to turn it on using my iPhone would be wonderful. Any additional programming and logging will be interesting to explore. Being able to set temperature from the iPhone would be ideal... I have not seen if that is possible yet.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by s1guy »

I've just started looking into buying an s1 mini. After seeing the official timer, I started looking around trying to find documentation on how it works and I ran across your project. This looks really awesome! Any chance you would make just the source code available? I'd love to see how things actually work and contribute to features development.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

The complete timer is scripted and not compiled sources.
You can just install the timer on an pi and look into the scripts.
There is no ducumentation available, because it was not planned to make the project public. You you have to find out everything by your own.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by s1guy »

Thanks! Do you have the source code on GitHub or some other other version control service? I'd love to poke around at it without downloading and extracting the full image.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

No, only the image. It is difficult on guthub, because it is not a simple app. It is a modification also in lan confuguration, special packages and php and python scrips. If you want to modify it, you will find some ideas in the image.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by s1guy »

I just tried to download the image, but was given a not found error message
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by chas »

What "image" are you talking about? I am not aware of any images in this entire thread. There is one link to a lengthy German Wiki which Google Translate does a pretty good job of converting. Then there is also a link entitled: http:/vivaldi:631 which is what you use to communicate with the hardware once you have it installed and up and running.

Apologies in advance if there is anything else I am missing.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Hi s1guy,

the link to the image was broken. I fixed it and you can download it now.
You got the passwort via PN.

The link to the image is in the mentioned wiki. Thank you for the "pretty good job of converting" - i started with google translate, but had to do a lot of chages after that. So it seems it worked ;) I try to improve my english every day.
The mentioned link http:/vivaldi:631 is not really needed. It is the access for the embedded printserver. Only a nice addon, if a server runs in the coffee machine, it can also care for the printers in the home and give them additional functions eg. airprint. But not needed for making coffee ;)
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by kohaii »

any 1 tryed to use rasberry 3 or 4?
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

I assume image will not start on Pi 3 and 4 .
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by kohaii »

why do u asume that?

i am totaly green bean in raspberry
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Old images are usually not compatible with newer PIs. I did not check it out, but i think this will be same with the mytimer image. Update is possible, but only if you have the knowledge. I do not have a PI3 to do that. Because PI2 is cheap available and has more than enough power for our tasks, there is no real need to do that work.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by mmg »

I have spent the last month (I am slow) implementing myTimer on my machine, with my modifications.
It should now run on any Raspberry pi (I am using it on a pi zero w, extremely cheap at $10) and newer verions of the raspbian OS.
I have also modified it to my liking a bit, to add preinfusion and remove what I did not need.

I am not sharing the code, as I have not asked jopa for permission yet, but I will be happy to describe what is needed if anyone needs. Of course if jopa is ok with it, I can share.

Also, I have added Amazon Alexa control :grin: . It sounds stupid, but it's a convenient way to turn on/off the machine from outside the house's wifi.

It was very painful for me to find all the components in the US, but I can share that too. The pi zero seems to not be the best at controlling relays, as the current drawn might reboot it, but it has worked fine with the relay board I have every single time.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Hi mmg,

It sounds great, that you ported it to newer PIs and also added new features.
Some month ago i switched to a Dream, so i can not check the image and can not do any further development due to the fact, that i have no Vivaldi available any more,

Everybody is allowed to develop the image and also port it to other machines.

I have only 2 points:
1. images / code has to be available free of change for everybody
2. please extend the wiki with the informations to the new image. The english page would be enough.

Thank you for your work.

Kind regards,
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by kickabit »

mmg wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:59 pm I have spent the last month (I am slow) implementing myTimer on my machine, with my modifications.
It should now run on any Raspberry pi (I am using it on a pi zero w, extremely cheap at $10) and newer verions of the raspbian OS.
I have also modified it to my liking a bit, to add preinfusion and remove what I did not need.

I am not sharing the code, as I have not asked jopa for permission yet, but I will be happy to describe what is needed if anyone needs. Of course if jopa is ok with it, I can share.

Also, I have added Amazon Alexa control :grin: . It sounds stupid, but it's a convenient way to turn on/off the machine from outside the house's wifi.

It was very painful for me to find all the components in the US, but I can share that too. The pi zero seems to not be the best at controlling relays, as the current drawn might reboot it, but it has worked fine with the relay board I have every single time.
I've started looking into building the myTimer mod. Any information you can share about getting components would be helpful.

How did you add preinfusion?

Would you recommend trying to track down a PI 2 or use a PI zero or something else?
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by mmg »

jopa wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:25 pm Hi mmg,

It sounds great, that you ported it to newer PIs and also added new features.
Some month ago i switched to a Dream, so i can not check the image and can not do any further development due to the fact, that i have no Vivaldi available any more,

Everybody is allowed to develop the image and also port it to other machines.

I have only 2 points:
1. images / code has to be available free of change for everybody
2. please extend the wiki with the informations to the new image. The english page would be enough.

Thank you for your work.

Kind regards,
Thank you Jopa! Of course both requests are extremely fair. I had tried to modify the week, but it seems like it might require admin privileges?
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by mmg »

kickabit wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:07 pm I've started looking into building the myTimer mod. Any information you can share about getting components would be helpful.
I will describe my setup.
I love the jopa's idea of creating an adapter cable, basically the idea is to connect the pi to the buttons of the vivaldi and push them from the pi. To do that you need a female IDC connector, a male one, and a ribbon cable with 16 pins.
Then you need a raspberry pi (zero w) and a relay board, I bought it here, it is cheap (because you get two) and it does not draw excessive current from the rpi. To connect it to the pi you will need to solder wires (any conductor should be fine) to both or get a header for the rpi zero w (adafruit sells a pi with header soldered) and header terminated wires. Soldering is still required to get the shot timer.
Then if you have a micro-sd and a micro-usb power source, you should have everything. If you want the shot timer, you should get a reed relay with a 12 V coil 0.5 A SPST with protection diode.

NB: I have made many mistakes in orderding as I did not know the system so I did not order any of the digikey parts above (except for the ribbon cable), but after much suffering I believe they should be right. Please do double check and think about the system first.
I did not implement either the energy meter either the manual/auto dose.
How did you add preinfusion?
Preinfusion is added via software for now, I have not implemented the hw to try it. If you do not have preinfusion and do not have the possibility to upgrade the board, there are three ways I can think off.
Easiest way: you add an on-delay relay between the triac/ssr and the pump, so that, when you press the brew button, the pump will be turned on after as many seconds as you want. This however is not controlled by the RPi and can only be changed manually (there's a knob on the relay).
Easy way: you add a relay board in the same position in parallel to the pump wire or to the solenoid wire. When the brew is started from the rpi, it will start the solenoid or kill the pump, wait and then finish. I think it is preferable to do it on the pump, because otherwise you need to find another live wire to run the solenoid. The issue is that pressing the brew button will not use preinfusion
Best (maybe) way: use two relays, one controls the pump, the other one senses the brew start. the raspberry pi will sense the brew and the pump will be dead, but will then start it, this will work with both the RPi and the brew button. It uses two relays (I believe you can reuse the same relay as the reed relay jopa implemented for the shot timer) and requires the RPi to be always online and working.
I realize my explanation is at best terrible, so please let me know if you want more information.

Would you recommend trying to track down a PI 2 or use a PI zero or something else?
I believe you have to find a raspberry before the 2, as the pinout of jopa's has 26 pins. My recommendation depends on how comfortable you are with tinkering with things. I can help you and provide you with my code, if you feel comfortable doing some debugging and working with a terminal.
I honestly really liked the RPi zero W as it is extremely cheap and readily available, it takes up no space and just does the work. Note, you need the W version to get wifi.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by jopa »

Hi, i also think the „PI zero WH“ (WLan and Header) is the best hardware at the moment for the job.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by kickabit »

mmg wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:06 pm I will describe my setup.
Thank you for describing your setup. I think I've understand what needs to be done. I'm going to attempt this in the next week or so and plan on using a Pi Zero. If you could share with me any configuration changes from jopa's setup that would be helpful. I'm familiar with Linux and using the terminal so that won't be an issue for me.

If I can get this working I will gladly contribute what I have learned to the wiki.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by mmg »

Expect a DM sometimes soon, we can work out together exactly the steps.
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by Sprollonis »

Unfortunatelly my Pi Model B stopped working. Tried to migrate Image to a Pi 2 B+ a d Zero w. No success.

Do anybody have a working image for Rpi 2 or Zero or help me to make it working.


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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by edm60 »

I hope someone can help... I've flashed the img file to an microsd card and I'm trying to boot the raspberry pi with this image. It is getting as far as a 'Vivaldi login:' prompt - it wants a user name and password. Any ideas?
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by edm60 »

edm60 wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:21 pm I hope someone can help... I've flashed the img file to an microsd card and I'm trying to boot the raspberry pi with this image. It is getting as far as a 'Vivaldi login:' prompt - it wants a user name and password. Any ideas?
Don't worry - I've worked around this issue
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Re: Modification Timer, Wifi, manual dose,...

Post by DreamingSpaziale »

Hey guys,

Coming from Kaffee-Netz; heard you Guy's have a magician ;)

From what I read, the image is a live and has been updated to fit newer PIs.

Now before I go shopping...

1. Is the Image still available
2. Is it working with a PI 3 or 4?

I have a PI4 at home not used, and the Zero is hard to get or priced at more than 60 bugs....

Thanks for you're help :)

Last edited by DreamingSpaziale on Sun Mar 19, 2023 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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