Machine Powers Off!

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Machine Powers Off!

Post by cstaples »

I just received my Dream today and am working on the process of setting grind and time, etc. I'm now just using the free flow button, and just now after I stopped the brewing at 25 seconds the machine turned itself off. The time before, it turned itself off at about 16 seconds. It doesn't trip a breaker, and there's still power to the machine, but I have to turn it on again.

Any ideas?
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Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by goodboyr »

Never saw that before. If you go into the menu and select the alarms option are there any alarms listed?
La Spaziale Dream and Baratza Sette 270W

Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by cstaples »

None. I even went into the Factory setting to make sure it wasn't set to full power.

I actually just programmed it to come on tomorrow morning at 5:45 and when I cycled back to the home menu it shut itself off and indicated it would turn on again tomorrow morning. This actually happened twice.
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Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by goodboyr »

Do you have the latest firmware..... 1.17? One other thing I can think of is if your timer setting is such that it thinks it should be off now, then it will turn itself off when you exit the menu. So double check your timer settings after making sure your firmware is up to date.
La Spaziale Dream and Baratza Sette 270W

Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by cstaples »

Firmware is up to date. What is especially troubling is that it turns itself off while I'm trying to pull a shot! I managed to set my double shot in my user profile, and it set just fine. But then when I exited and started to pull the shot, the machine shut itself off after about 21 seconds....completely turned itself off.

Frustrated beyond belief!

Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by cstaples »

Machine one working well.
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Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by chas »

Glad to hear it. It sounds like CCS received a few flaky machines like this. Even LaSpaziale hasn't been able to figure out the cause. The only recourse is to swap it for a new one and let them deal with it.

I was thinking initially that perhaps LaSpaziale built a batch of controller boards that have bad on/off relays, but apparently swapping out the entire controller board still didn't fix the problem.
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Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by chas »

Even though this was initially reported in the Dream T forum, I doubt that the problem or potential for the problem is limited to the Tank models. I talked to Jason at CCS about this last week and they think they have it figured out. The front panel is made up of a "sandwich" of plastic conductive layers. It seems that some of the panels have a registration problem where the layers don't perfectly line up. I am still now quite sure why this problem shows itself with this particular error.

LaSpaziale has redesigned the front panel and those new panels have been replaced in the 3 machines that were returned for this problem. None of them has failed since.

The bottom-line here is that if your machine does not have this issue almost immediately when you start using the new machine, you will probably never see the problem. However, if you think or know you are having this error, contact CCS for replacement ASAP. Once the machines are out-of-warranty a new front panel with set you back $500!
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Re: Machine Powers Off!

Post by Zoobru »

I know this is an old post but My Dream ( not T ,2013 ) Has started doing this exact same thing and has been for the last year or so. Latest FW as of now. CCS suggested replacing the board mentioned and a few other things. I guess I'll just have to do that and hope it fixes the problem. I will check back in to say if it did or not. :wav:
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