some ideas

What would you change about your LaSpaziale espresso machine?
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some ideas

Post by gsylvest »

My company got a Vivaldi II in December 2010 and I got one for my home 2 weeks ago (April 2011). Some general ideas that would be relatively easy to implement:

1. For the timer, have a short button sequence to skip the next event a single time. For example, if you have the machine to turn off at 9pm but you have a dinner party that is running later than that. Would be nice to just push a few buttons to tell it to to skip that event and stay on rather than having to re-program it or remember to turn it off.

2. Make the wire for the timer longer. Give me a break. It barely sticks out from the bottom of the machine. Have a few extra holes in the box so it is easier route the wire. Have a few mounting tabs to be able to screw the box to a wall or cabinet.

3. Automatic backflush sequence. A commercial Della Corte and I believe other machines will automatically turn on and off the group to backflush 6 or 8 times automatically. This should be easy to do.

4. a short tube off the off the 3-way valve that ensures the water dispensed goes into the drip tray and onto the counter top. Chris Coffee is kindly sending me a short piece of tube for both my unit and my companies unit. Ironically, I had to make this modification to my old Simonelli Oscar too.

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Re: some ideas

Post by chas »

2. It sounds like you got short wired. My timer had enough cable that I velcroed it to the top of the right side panel with a little slack left over.
Are you sure they don't have the slack coiled up and cable tied down inside the front panel?

4. I agree with this. My original S1V1 had a longer copper tube and did not have this problem. On my S1V2 I added a short piece of vinyl tubing from my beer making stash. Others have used a short piece of rubber tubing from their local auto supply store. I think it's the radiator overflow tubing that is the correct diameter.
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Re: some ideas

Post by gsylvest »

The timer was installed by Chris Coffee at time of purchase. When I called up and asked they practically finished my sentence about the cable being short. It's now extended using some molex connectors so it is plenty long. A mounting option other than velcro would be nice too.

Re: some ideas

Post by gsylvest »

More ideas:
5. Include the timer in with machine by the ugly "S1" logo.
6. Make the timer display also a shot timer
7. No need to have the on/off so easily accessible. Move the on/off button for both the machine and the steam boiler. Right now it is too easy to hit into the wrong button turning off the machine.

Re: some ideas

Post by Endo »

I agree they should just stick all electronics (shot timer, on/off timer, temp, etc) in a LCD panel. It would look like this:

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Re: some ideas

Post by Staypower »

It's not just a coffee maker, but at the same time it isn't a spaceship. I'm not sure about the necessity.
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