S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

This forum is to share pre-launch information about the next generation LaSpaziale S1 which will be sold under the name "S1 Dream" for the plumbed version and S1 Dream T for the tank version.
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S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

I just got an email from Mary at Chris' Coffee. They're now taking pre-orders for the S1 Dream.

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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Yes, the CCS S1 Dream web page is now live at: http://www.chriscoffee.com/products/hom ... zialedream
The Dream-T web page is here: http://www.chriscoffee.com/products/hom ... ialedreamt


Dual boiler
2.5 liter steam boiler
1250 watt steam heating element
0.45 liter group boiler
800 watt group heating element
Programmable passive pre-infusion
Programmable offset differential
Swivel stainless steel steam arm
Direct plumbed
Rotary pump
Volumetric dosing, adjustable through the touchpad plus a start/stop dosage
PID controlled
Group & Steam temperature adjustable through the touchpad
Internal timer
Shot counter
Memory card reader and writer included built in port on front of machine
4 various programmable profiles
Electronic boiler refill
High temp over pressure safety valve
Hot water spigot
Newly designed 53 mm portafilters
5 ft stainless steel braided water line with 3/8" John Guest fitting (accepts 3/8" JG tubing)
110 volt
Functions in either 15 amp or 20 amp
Built in trouble shooting diagnostics display
ETL Sanitation Listed (Conforms to ANSI/NSF STD 4)
ETL us Listed (Conforms to UL STD 197 Certified to CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 109
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by carboi »

I placed my order about an hour ago for the S1 Dream T along with a Vario W grinder :bounce: . I was surprised to hear I was the first pre-order. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get my order just before Thanksgiving but trying not to expect it since it may take a little longer. Mary said they should be getting the first shipment this week, hopefully on Friday but they aren't certain since it has to clear customs.

I also hope I chose the right grinder, it was a tough choice between the Electronic Mini Mazzer and the Vario W, but I digress...

Also, this is my first post and first real espresso machine, I think I made a great choice thanks to all the helpful information you all post on this forum! Thank you! :grin:

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

Newbee here also. Just ordered a Dream T along with a Mazzer Mini E. First post also. I have been looking to upgrade from a Sylvia for a couple of years but had been so confused as to what machine I wanted that I never upgraded. This site has answered most all of my questions and am looking forward to my first "real" espresso machine and grinder. :bounce:

Thanks so much for all the wonderful information. :grin:
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Please take a lot of photos and post them on the Forum. I was an early adopter of the original S1 and the V2 and took a lot of photos inside and out for posting here. However, in the interim I got a smoking deal and moved on to the LM GS/3, so no Dream is in my future. I'll be counting on Users even more than usual for external and internal photos this time around.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

Will do, Chas - pictures of anything you want. I love taking things apart :bounce:

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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

I wonder if they'll take trade-ins?

I like most of the new features, but to be honest, I like the look of the old Vivaldi a bit more. The new LCD panel looks a bit too "batman" like, the sides are too shiny, the metal too dull, PFs handles too cheap and the "DREAM" logo font on the drip tray looks very cheesy. But maybe it's just the photos.

Then again, maybe I'm just too used to my old Mini. :lol:

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by MonkeyK »

I agree with the "Batman" look, or maybe a bit more "Autobot". And I am also not a fan of the newer PF handle design.
That said, if I could afford it, I'd buy one --in this price range, it seems to me the S1 Dream is the machine to beat.
OTOH, if I could afford it, I'd buy a GS3 Speedster.

I bought my used V2 a few months ago for $1000. And that plus a few small repairs and accessories is all that I could afford. I love it and unless something goes seriously wrong, I'm not stepping up any time soon.
Fortunately, while I am not stepping up, I think that all of the major players will be improving their offerings. The CC1 and new Breville machines are making their customers change their expectations of what should be available.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Johnlyn »

MonkeyK wrote: The CC1 and new Breville machines are making their customers change their expectations of what should be available.
I'll vouch for that monkey man. I'm new to this forum as I await my Mini. I unfortunately ran into too many problems with the BDB to happily continue on with it. But what a great machine and as a result my expectations are high. I feel like I am moving over to the Mini, not up, the dream comes closer to it.

The difference however, is that I will now have a machine that is the pillar of reliability, can be serviced by the place I bought it, that I can do repairs on my self with tech support etc... no matter what modern features are available, I have come to appreciate where a machine is purchased from and the service available.

I was too chicken to be an early adopter of the dream, but this machine looks like it has addressed any lingering "issues" from the mini.

Out of curiosity, why does the dream only come with a one year warranty as opposed to the mini that has two? Is that because it is new and they have to see how she holds up to the rigours of daily life?

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

[Out of curiosity, why does the dream only come with a one year warranty as opposed to the mini that has two? Is that because it is new and they have to see how she holds up to the rigours of daily life?[/quote]

I didn't notice this untill you pointed this out. I sent a email to Mary inquiring about it. makes me wonder if they don't have as much confidence in the Dream as the current models.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Chris told me a couple of weeks ago that the Dream would still have a two year warranty. However, I do see that the CCS website only says it comes with a one year warranty. I have e-mailed Chris to see if I can straighten this out. Perhaps they changed their minds. I think even with the current machines, LaSpaziale covers the first year and then CCS covers year two due to the occurrence of issues in year 2 being so low.

If they are really going back to a one year warranty perhaps it is due to the newness and uncertainty as to whether there will be issues.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by zedex »

I talked to Ty at CCS and told her i wanted the display,black box and wiring harness for the dream. I cant see any reason why the new display cant be retrofitted in a v2 other than cost. She said she will let me know when the parts are available.
What i am thinking will happen is if i were to require those parts i will need to submit a serial # coresponding to a dream machine. Since i dont have one, The parts will not be available to me.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

I received a reply from Mary today regarding the warranty, she said it has a 2 year warranty and the website will be updated.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Has anyone that pre-ordered a Dream machine received a committed ship date yet?
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by carboi »

chas wrote:Has anyone that pre-ordered a Dream machine received a committed ship date yet?
I haven't heard anything yet.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

I noticed today on the Chris' Coffee Dream page that they have a link to the Dream and Dream T manuals. I think this is new, but I could just be very slow...
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Thanks for the head's up. I was just able to download both successfully.

I'll upload them to this forum and provide a link this evening as an alternate source. The last time I talked to Jason he noted that he didn't have all the information from Laspaziale yet since the final firmware wasn't yet on hand. His goal was to provide enough information to get the user up and running. After that the goal is that the menu organization and operation is so intuitive as to make written documentation unnecessary. We'll see.
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

Maybe I'm just old and skeptical, but does anyone else get this feeling the interface on the Dream will be a disaster at first until the bugs are worked out?

Seeing how idiotic and unintuitive the timer was, should we expect better for the Dream user interface from LaSpaziale? You can always unplug a timer, but if the interface is buggy, you 've got problems.

I get the feeling the "easy firmware upgrade" slot may be more of a necessity rather than a luxury. Perhaps it underlies the confidence Chris Coffee has in LaSpaziale "getting it right the first time" with regard to electronics! :lol:

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Johnlyn »

Well Endo, that's why I opted for the Mini (I bought just as the Dream was coming out). Time will tell whether that was the right decision or not, but I wasn't going to risk it. I also figure that I can't go wrong with the Mini but I suspect that I will wish that I had gotten the Dream T. I'll just have to drown my sorrows in espresso...

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by eelpout »

The user manuals are up but unfortunately have no info on programming or profiles. I'm concerned, based on the brief video I saw from CC, that it will take more than a few button presses and manipulations to switch profiles. If that's true, than my wife, who drinks decaf and a different grind, will never use them. :-(

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

Profiles. :lol: :lol: It won't be just your wife who will be ignoring those after the first day.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by zedex »

Endo wrote:I wonder if they'll take trade-ins?

I like most of the new features, but to be honest, I like the look of the old Vivaldi a bit more. The new LCD panel looks a bit too "batman" like, the sides are too shiny, the metal too dull, PFs handles too cheap and the "DREAM" logo font on the drip tray looks very cheesy. But maybe it's just the photos.

Then again, maybe I'm just too used to my old Mini. :lol:
Yes.. At first i thought the machine looked great but after better photos were introduced, i am still liking my v2 more.. That "batman" display is what i cant handle. I does not look right.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

chas wrote:Has anyone that pre-ordered a Dream machine received a committed ship date yet?
Yes, just ordered one (Dream T) from George, was quoted a ship date of Monday, Dec 03. I vastly prefer the look of the Mini, and called to order same but after a long talk with George changed to the Dream. Price is the same since I want the timer functionality, and I'll get over the looks if it works better.

One other nice feature of the Dream vis-a-vis the Mini I didn't see called out is that it does have a brewing "pulse" button (for lack of a better word) - you can use it in semi-auto mode using the circular button that is between the single cup & double cup buttons.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Brian wrote:
chas wrote:Has anyone that pre-ordered a Dream machine received a committed ship date yet?
One other nice feature of the Dream vis-a-vis the Mini I didn't see called out is that it does have a brewing "pulse" button (for lack of a better word) - you can use it in semi-auto mode using the circular button that is between the single cup & double cup buttons.
I guess it could be a considered a "Pulse" button if you push it 2x fast. However, it's really intended for continuous flow; i.e water flows from the group from the time you press the button once until you press it again. I think the assumed use is for cleaning but like all the other features is limited by your imagination. For those that don't like the volumetric feature, you can also use this button for shots. However, just setting the volumetric feature for much longer than you'd ever use is just as convenient and has the added benefit of protecting you from walking off and leaving the water running.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by richardcoffee »

I don't use the volumetric feature of my mini. I just set both buttons for about a minute and then stop the flow when I want to. I guess it doesn't matter but I use the double button for all my shots and the single - a quick pulse - for a quick rinse after each shot. I guess all the fancy aspects of the Dream would be wasted on me.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

chas wrote:I guess it could be a considered a "Pulse" button if you push it 2x fast. However, it's really intended for continuous flow; i.e water flows from the group from the time you press the button once until you press it again. I think the assumed use is for cleaning but like all the other features is limited by your imagination. For those that don't like the volumetric feature, you can also use this button for shots. However, just setting the volumetric feature for much longer than you'd ever use is just as convenient and has the added benefit of protecting you from walking off and leaving the water running.
You are right, pulse was the wrong term, would have been better to say just an start/stop brewing button. This is what I'm used to, and after 5+ years of Silvia, I've never walked off and left the water running yet (knock on wood). ;) I agree, it's not a necessary feature by any means.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Parsons »

I think that continuous flow is useful if you have guests at home, so you can let them choose the quantity of coffee they prefer

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

Parsons wrote:I think that continuous flow is useful if you have guests at home, so you can let them choose the quantity of coffee they prefer
That's a scary thought. My Dad would probably stop when it reached the rim.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by richardcoffee »

I'll tell you what would be more useful to me - an alarm that wouldn't let me draw a shot unless there was a receptacle underneath the portafilter. When I'm half awake, I have been inclined to forget that important thing.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

richardcoffee wrote:.... When I'm half awake, I have been inclined to forget that important thing.
I hear that. In the wee morning hours a couple of months back I actually tried to steam the espresso instead of the milk. :error:
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

Woohoo! Just got a call from Mary; they're wrenching on my machine and it may get shipped today! :bounce:
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

There is an updated manual for the Dream on Chris' site. Several new items added including a section about creating User Profiles. And, a few words on the 'MAT' option: "The MAT option has not been enabled yet on the S1 Dream and is a feature that will be available in the near future. The MAT system requires an optional steam arm with a temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the milk while steaming."
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

PyroKerry wrote:There is an updated manual for the Dream on Chris' site. Several new items added including a section about creating User Profiles. And, a few words on the 'MAT' option: "The MAT option has not been enabled yet on the S1 Dream and is a feature that will be available in the near future. The MAT system requires an optional steam arm with a temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the milk while steaming."
I've been having second thoughts on the Mini Vivaldi II vs. the Dream T that I've ordered, but that kind of in-the-field upgrade on the Dream is very intriguing.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

Is anyone living the Dream yet?
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

No, but I can dream about living the Dream!

I just got off the phone with Mary at Chris' Coffee. They wanted to fuss with the machines a little longer yesterday and this morning, so they've just packed them up for shipment this afternoon. I'm two days away in Illinois by UPS ground so I should see it Friday.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

PyroKerry wrote:There is an updated manual for the Dream on Chris' site. Several new items added including a section about creating User Profiles. And, a few words on the 'MAT' option: "The MAT option has not been enabled yet on the S1 Dream and is a feature that will be available in the near future. The MAT system requires an optional steam arm with a temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the milk while steaming."
Thanks for the head's up. I replaced the downloadable versions here on the Forum with the December versions for both machines.

The MAT feature is interesting. I have gotten the manual process just by feel down so well for micro-foam that the MAT feature would be like going back to training wheels. It will be interesting to see how it is priced and how it is implemented so that the temp probe remains isolated from the steam arm/tip.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

As a total espresso noob, it also seemed to me that the MAT would be most useful to a beginner. It would certainly be easier than keeping a manual thermometer in the pitcher.
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

PyroKerry wrote:No, but I can dream about living the Dream!

I just got off the phone with Mary at Chris' Coffee. They wanted to fuss with the machines a little longer yesterday and this morning, so they've just packed them up for shipment this afternoon. I'm two days away in Illinois by UPS ground so I should see it Friday.
I'm jealous! Mine hasn't shipped yet and I'm on the left-coast in Seattle. I'm looking forward to hearing your first-hand reports!
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

Don't get too jealous, Brian. I'm fairly sure mine didn't ship yesterday, either. I didn't get a UPS tracking email and CCS always sends that.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by GooseVR1 »

I know mine hasn't; Mary left me a note this morning saying they had some challenges installing the preinfusion chambers at factory (at my request). They have a call into Italy and are waiting to hear back. This is the chamber getting installed as an option on the Dream T.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

I ordered preinfusion also, so I'm waiting also.wish they'd sent out my accessories though.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by carboi »

I talked to Mary to see if mine had shipped so that I can change my grinder order and she said it hadn't shipped due to an error code. I ordered pre-infusion too but when I talked to her she said the error was due to to it being adjusted to run on 15 amp and they need to get an answer from Italy to get it figured out. I'm just glad they check them before shipping. I'm also glad that firmware updates will be possible thru the USB port.

The bad news is that I'm on the West Coast and will likely be out of town when it arrives so it will take a bit longer before I get to see and use my new machine.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

I ordered the pre-infusion chamber also, no doubt contributing to the delay. At first I was hoping to be experimenting with my new machine as early as this weekend. Now, I'm hoping by next weekend! I'm still far more interested in them getting it right than fast.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

Brian wrote:I ordered the pre-infusion chamber also, no doubt contributing to the delay. At first I was hoping to be experimenting with my new machine as early as this weekend. Now, I'm hoping by next weekend! I'm still far more interested in them getting it right than fast.
I agree completely, Brian. When it does arrive, I want it working. I don't know that the pre-infusion chamber is the only reason they haven't shipped. Even the people who ordered the non-T model haven't had their's shipped.
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by carboi »

I just heard from Mary, she noted that they are supposed to get the software update on Monday from Italy so my Dream T won't be shipping until next week. This was over email so I don't know if the update is just for the 15 Amp error my unit was getting, or the pre-infusion issue others have mentioned, or some other update that is needed.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

Looks like they are sending them out with last minute untested software to make the Christmas rush. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. This is the kind of thing that can really hurt a company's reputation when things inevitably go wrong ( just read about the Bixi bikes).

I assume they are banking on the flash port.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by jisgren »

Endo wrote:Looks like they are sending them out with last minute untested software to make the Christmas rush. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. This is the kind of thing that can really hurt a company's reputation when things inevitably go wrong ( just read about the Bixi bikes).

I assume they are banking on the flash port.
Actually it seems that they are NOT shipping them out until they get the software tested and corrected to their liking. Chris' seems to be rather conservative about testing. The ability to flash new software in the future is just added security.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

This time it's for real! :grin:

Just got a call from Mr. Chris and he is shipping tonight - I even got a tracking number. :bounce:
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by GooseVR1 »

Same here. Should get it next Monday (Colorado).

How do they ususally ship? On a pallet? Crate? Something along the lines of direct signature required?
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by chas »

As far as I know the S1s are just shipped normal UPS Ground Service though it wouldn't surprise me if a signature is required. It's been too long since I got my last one so I don't recall about the signature specifically.

CCS does ship the LM GS/3 on a pallet via a trucking line but as far as I know he has not switched to this method for the S1s. The GS/3 page on the CCS website specifically calls out the use of pallet and trucking line whereas there is no mention of this on the Dream web pages.
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

I asked Mary that question a couple of weeks ago. She said it's a UPS ground shipment and Chris' Coffee does not request a signature. It's an 84lb shipment :shock:
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

Still waiting here, no word on whether mine shipped, but if it's first-in first-out then mine will ship later.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

Received my shipping notice today for my T model. :grin:
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

It has arrived!

I've posted my pics in the Dream General Q&A. Here's a couple:
Unboxed and wet!
Unboxed and wet!
P1020300.JPG (276.57 KiB) Viewed 161782 times
The guts
The guts
P1020305.JPG (302.2 KiB) Viewed 161782 times
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Baratza Virtuoso (Preciso burrs)

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

Looks awesome! :bounce: Much nicer than the Chris photos.

I see a few new internal parts. Looks like a new flowmeter with a new brass top to prevent freezing damage during shipping.

I must say, this latest S1 is close to perfect. Enjoy!
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

Thanks, Endo! It's back together and no worse for being wet. I'd guess that it got laid on its back during UPS shipping and that causes what water is left in the boiler to come out.
La Spaziale S1 Dream
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Johnlyn »

Great shots... please post more...
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Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by PyroKerry »

I put all of the pictures on Google. Tell me if you can access this link:
https://plus.google.com/photos/11502962 ... 6777644785

La Spaziale S1 Dream
Mazzer Mini E
Bunn Trifecta MB
Baratza Virtuoso (Preciso burrs)

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Johnlyn »

Those are seriousely great pictures. I can't wait to hear from the people that know how to tinker with these things about differences between the Vivaldi and the Dream other than the touch screen.


Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

Mine has shipped as well, but being in south-east Alaska (i.e. Seattle), it's going to take awhile to get to here. Maybe next weekend I'll be pulling shots with my new Dream T since UPS is showing a predicted delivery of next Friday.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by cuznvin »

Does the steam knob pivot or does it just turn to release steam?

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by fiddlefadel »

My T is due to arrive Monday. I live in Colorado.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

cuznvin wrote:Does the steam knob pivot or does it just turn to release steam?
If you look at the pictures on the Chris website, you'll see both machines now use a steam knob.

It seems most people prefer to be able to adust the force of the steam. For many not used to commerical steam power, it can be just too much at first.

Me personally, I much prefer the commercial lever. It's more ergonomic and therefore the preferred setup for busy commercial machines.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Brian »

Endo wrote:
cuznvin wrote:Does the steam knob pivot or does it just turn to release steam?
If you look at the pictures on the Chris website, you'll see both machines now use a steam knob.

It seems most people prefer to be able to adust the force of the steam. For many not used to commerical steam power, it can be just too much at first.

Me personally, I much prefer the commercial lever. It's more ergonomic and therefore the preferred setup for busy commercial machines.
George at CCS said that the lever design led to failures of some kind, and that the switch to a knob was specifically to make it more reliable in this regard. I can't speak to the veracity of that claim, I'm new to the whole S1 thing, but that was the story as told to me.

Re: S1 Dream machine Now taking pre-orders

Post by Endo »

If he says so. Hard to believe though seeing that it is the same one used on the commercial S5 and top of the line $12K S40 Seletron (which probably gets used over 200 times a day in most cafes).


http://www.laspaziale.com/S40_SELETRON_ ... LCOME.html

This George dude is from marketing. What do you expect him to say about the new machine? A more likely story is it cost more, and we needed to cut the cost to pay for the new bells and whistles.

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