Newb,,, How does it hold together???

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Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

So I just received a s1 older version with the new wand. My used machine arrived yesterday through the men in brown. It appears that they have dropped it and now my steam connection is dangling loose. When the knob is turned, the whole thing wiggles.
I can't figure gow it holds together, I took the panels off (all of them) and now have disconnected the pipe drom the front panel.
Can anyone PLEEZE help me out?
Thank you much!

Mat :bom:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

Have you removed the steam knob? Slide off the rubber cover & plastic cover. Remove the bolt & the knob. Then you will see the outside nut, there is another one one the inside. Center the steam valve so your wand is oriented correctly & tighten the nuts. If you hold the valve with a small crescent wrench you should only have to tighten the outside nut.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

If the machine has seen some use this would be a good time to give it a serious once over. The boilers are easy to open up for descaling & you will want to check the crimp on electrical connections on the boilers for tightness & heat damage.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Thank you very much!
One less headache!
It worked... I guess it was so obvious that i just couldn't figure it out!!!

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

JohnB wrote:If the machine has seen some use this would be a good time to give it a serious once over. The boilers are easy to open up for descaling & you will want to check the crimp on electrical connections on the boilers for tightness & heat damage.
I haven't looked inside the boilers, I jus kinda hurried to hoock it up to see if it was damaged because i was really worried when it arrived yesterday...
I haven't even plugged it through water filters, but i am planning to.
About that, I was thinking reverse osmosis... is it any good?
Also, I just pulled a few shots and realised that the portafilter is leaking (where it meets the group) which causes ( I guess) a lot of pressure loss.
Do you have an idea ?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Niko »

You probably need to change the group gasket.
The link below will show you, just change the selection to S1 from the dropdown menu: ... roupgasket

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote: About that, I was thinking reverse osmosis... is it any good?
Also, I just pulled a few shots and realised that the portafilter is leaking (where it meets the group) which causes ( I guess) a lot of pressure loss.
Do you have an idea ?
There is lots of info on the net & Home Barista about R/O systems both good & bad. Many of us use a softener/carbon filter set up like the one you see on CC's website. Have you tested your water for hardness? Think about a pressure regulator also. ... enersystem ... latorvalve ... ssuregauge ... maxadaptor

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

You guys are a ressourceful bunch!
Thank you !
As far as changing the group gasket, I guess I need a special tool?
What is it? Can I do it with something else?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

Welcome Mat! :grin:

Nice to see another fellow Montrealer with an S1.

Hope your problems on your used machine are over quickly and you can start enjoying it. I'm sure you saved a lot compared to buying it new in Montreal (like I did). The prices are just nuts.

It's good to get used to fixing your machine yourself since the repair technicians in Montreal all seem to share that same 10lb hammer.

You'll get lots of great help here from guys like Chas, John B. and Niko.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Eh Endo, Thanks also for the answers on CG! Yes I saved quite a bit... I went three times In the shop on Jean Talon where you got yours and it seems like every time i went in the price had raised by 400$! I just got kind of sick of it and decided to buy used. Very funny comment about the 10 pound hammer lol (you sir nailed it!) I couldn't explain it any better :lol:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

There is lots of info on the net & Home Barista about R/O systems both good & bad. Many of us use a softener/carbon filter set up like the one you see on CC's website. Have you tested your water for hardness? Think about a pressure regulator also.

I haven't tested for hardness but I read on some website that it is @ 7.5 and spoke to a cafe shop owner that told me it is "Very hard" so, I am gonna get the 2 filters. I went to the store to get it today and couldn't figure out what to get. I Knew I need to soften the water but everything that seemed available for softening were those huge salt devices.
But now, because of you I know what to get.
I really do not see what the pressure regulator is going to be doing for my set up though!
My machine is already plugged in an (except for the leaky pf) everything semms to be A-OK

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

Ideally you want to keep the line pressure around 30PSI but you can get away with a higher pressure within reason. Do you know what your line pressure is?

7.5 grains? That would be around 135-140PPM so you would want to get it down to 50PPM or below to be within the ideal range. I have mine set to approx 80PPM as I don't care for the taste of really soft water so I will descale more often then others.

The grouphead gasket is very easy to change or at least mine was. Use the factory tool that you should have gotten with the machine to remove the bolt holding the screens & diffuser plate to the group head. With those out of the way (soaking in Cafiza solution if they are dirty) you can gentle pry the old gasket off. If it is really old & brittle you may have to scrap it off in pieces. Buy a couple & change it yearly.

You should have received a spare set of screens along with that tool. Download the most recent S1 manual that Chas put together & read through the cleaning/maintenance info. You will want to swap out the screens weekly to remove the grounds that get trapped between them.

It would also be a good idea to pull the pump off & see if it has started to leak into the motor bearing.

This will help if you decide to open up the boilers: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=872

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

:grin: Thank you John Im on my way to get those "little things I need"
Im sure Ill have more questions on my way back... :grin:
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Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by chas »

Another key thing to realize is that the rotary pump provides a boost to the line pressure. So you will need to adjust the group pressure unless the previous owner had to set exactly where it should be AND he had the exact same water line pressure you do at your house.
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

chas wrote:Another key thing to realize is that the rotary pump provides a boost to the line pressure. So you will need to adjust the group pressure unless the previous owner had to set exactly where it should be AND he had the exact same water line pressure you do at your house.
Good point, it should be fun with no group pressure gauge. One has to wonder why the Italians didn't think of this stuff before Chris asked for it considering how many years they have been building espresso machines. Look at the DC Mini which retails for $3000 in the U.S. No group pressure gauge, no hot water tap, no on/off switch for the steam boiler, a very funky manual offset & temp adjust (think Crockpot!), can't updose & more. Don't even get me started about the SMB E61 antiques masquerading as modern espresso machines! Ok, rant mode off.
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Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by chas »

You recourse with that is to purchase or made your own PF pressure guage. Chris Coffee has them on the page below, but I see that they are now $98! That's a lot higher than I remember it being a couple of years ago. When you buy a new machine it comes with two PF handles. A number of early S1 owners that were previously active on this forum made their own using one of the two PF handles that came with it.

However, if you don't have a spare PF handle, by time you buy an PF handle, pressure gauge, and other parts you're not saving much vs the $98 bucks.
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Ok! So I got back from a few stores and still haven't sorted out the softening thing...
From what i have been told, I need to buy the huge salt filtration system for 600$ The people at the stores do not seem to know of a system that sits under the counter and that can filter AND soften the water.
Now... I know there is the CC website that sells them but I'd really like to find it here...
Do you have a brand name or set up suggestion?
Also, Chas, I realize I am taking this thread all over the place... I appologize for that but I do not know what else to do !
As far as the pressure thing, will the pressure entering the machine influence the pressure coming out?
I do not understand clearly the implication of regulating the pressure of the water entering the machine... but then again, maybe I have this whole pressure thing WRONG! ?
Anyhow and again, I truely appreciate all your inputs as this is saving me oodles of problems ;-)
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Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by MDL »

Try a google search for 10" water softener cartridges. You can buy all of the components to assemble the system that Chris sells and just put it together yourself. Use the list from the system on Chris' website to help you identify the components. Purchasing directly from a water treatment dealer will be less expensive than ordering from Chris. Don't get me wrong, I bought my system from Chris when I bought my Vivaldi and was glad to have everything provided to me as a kit. However, he marks things up to cover his costs of assembling and stocking the parts.

I have been purchasing replacement parts and cartridges from:

I am not suggesting that you order from them (they are convenient to my location in S. CA) but it is an example of a water treatment dealer that can provide the pieces that you need. You should be able to find the pieces at a local dealer. Most of them can be purchased in the States at Home Depot.

Good luck,

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

chas wrote:You recourse with that is to purchase or made your own PF pressure guage. Chris Coffee has them on the page below, but I see that they are now $98! That's a lot higher than I remember it being a couple of years ago. When you buy a new machine it comes with two PF handles. A number of early S1 owners that were previously active on this forum made their own using one of the two PF handles that came with it.

However, if you don't have a spare PF handle, by time you buy an PF handle, pressure gauge, and other parts you're not saving much vs the $98 bucks.
I think I saw the price at $108 last month. So it might have actually gone down.

I was looking at the PF gauge option as well since my Mini is the direct from LaSpaziale version and so it doesn't have the Dual Manometer added by Chris on the VII. One option is to add the dual manometer. The gauge sells for $65 and the front panel with a square hole costs $35. You also need a tee fitting, some plastic line and a quick connect. All told, it should be only perhaps $30 more than the PF gauge but would be much more convenient.

I also looked at the other option of getting a gauge from EspressoParts. They have many to choose from that are round and may fit the existing hole. If you want to buy one to add to your spare PF, they go for around $65 so I don't think you'll save much over buying the one from Chris.
fiddlefly wrote:Ok! So I got back from a few stores and still haven't sorted out the softening thing...
From what i have been told, I need to buy the huge salt filtration system for 600$ The people at the stores do not seem to know of a system that sits under the counter and that can filter AND soften the water.
Been there. I feel your pain. I looked all over Montreal for a softener / filter system when I was considering the Maxi but eventually go discouraged and went for the Mini.

If I was to do it again, I think I'd go with the FloJet and fill a 20L bottle under the sink with half tap water and half RO water from the local wine-making store to bring the hardness down to 50 ppm. The Flo-jet is pricey at about $200 in Canada. But still, you have total control over your water quality. A big 20L bottle should last you several weeks (unless you consume as much as Niko with his 4 roasters). :lol:

Lastly. you might try calling Cafe-Union and asking if you can borrow their PF gauge (they must have one since they are the Vivaldi repair guys). Or perhaps we can split the price on one from CC and share. :bounce:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Niko »

You must be shaking from this information overload, fiddlefly :lol:
I'm afraid to add anything, you might explode.
Only other thing I can think of is help with removing the old group gasket, make sure the machine is hot while trying to perform this. I don't mean this as a practical joke (to burn you) but be careful and use a dowel-like tool or sharp pick to poke into the rubber and pry it out. I've had to remove them in hard dry pieces that were stubborn. The easy ones come off on their own when a PF sticks to them when the machine has been on for several hours.

Endo wrote:...(unless you consume as much as Niko with his 4 roasters). :lol:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote:Ok! So I got back from a few stores and still haven't sorted out the softening thing...
From what i have been told, I need to buy the huge salt filtration system for 600$ The people at the stores do not seem to know of a system that sits under the counter and that can filter AND soften the water.
Now... I know there is the CC website that sells them but I'd really like to find it here...
Do you have a brand name or set up suggestion?
Also, Chas, I realize I am taking this thread all over the place... I appologize for that but I do not know what else to do !
As far as the pressure thing, will the pressure entering the machine influence the pressure coming out?
I do not understand clearly the implication of regulating the pressure of the water entering the machine... but then again, maybe I have this whole pressure thing WRONG! ?
Anyhow and again, I truely appreciate all your inputs as this is saving me oodles of problems ;-)
What do you plan to use to run water to the machine? The high pressure flexible water line & JG fittings in the CC kit make life much easier plus you don't have to order the cartridges & housings from how knows where in Canada. If you don't want to order from CC my guess is that your best bet locally is a REAL plumbing supply house as they should be able to supply all the pieces. Plumbers must be setting up restaurants/bars with similar systems in your city.

As far as the pressure goes CC sets the group pressure to 9bars with a line pressure of 30PSI. If your line pressure is higher or lower your group pressure will change & must be adjusted. Its very easy to do, I just tweaked mine a little below 9bars (approx 8.75b) as I wanted to see how it would affect my pours & flavor in the cup. Again the manual will guide you through the adjustment procedure. For $40(CC) the gauge/regulator are a nice addition to your water set up but your local plumbing house could supply both items also.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »


The Canadian distributor for Chris Coffee is CaffeTech in Edmonton:

You can call them and ask if they have the filter kit.

I usually order through them rather than Chris Coffee when the Canadian Dollar gets low and also to avoid customs delays and high shipping charges (even though Chris is 3 hrs from me they still charge a lot for shipping). My bottomless PF, S5 steam arm with 4 hole tip should arrive from them this week :bounce: (takes about 1 week).

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

This is a crrrazy coffee week! Never intended to be that way in the first place, its funny how 75 pounds and a couple portafilters can rock your life!
I may have to start roasting soon as I went through about 3 pounds in 2 days for goodness sake!
53 mm sure eats more coffee then my Cremina!
From the start, this a whole new approach to crafting espresso then levers oh boy!
I feel like Im in the fast lane getting immediate response to my actions, allowing me to adjust and tweak things to get the taste/look that i'm after.
I definately am a happy caffeinated man ! :bounce:

I removed the gasket and the screen... Man! these were soldered on! After changing the gasket and cleaning everything, there is no more dripping from the p-f! good! Now Im still on searching for a filter/ softener solution
and am harrassing local coffee houses for older/cheaper beans!

Thank you endo, I had totally forgotten about caffetech! I am gonna check it out. I do not think I will be buying 'cross borders anytime soon, the process is just NO FUN ( at least for something the size of a machine. It was very interresting for us while our dollar was at par but now it's no good! :shock:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote: I removed the gasket and the screen... Man! these were soldered on! After changing the gasket and cleaning everything, there is no more dripping from the p-f! good! Now Im still on searching for a filter/ softener solution
and am harrassing local coffee houses for older/cheaper beans!
Why old beans? They won't give good results so it will just increase your frustration. What problems are you having?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Why old beans? They won't give good results so it will just increase your frustration. What problems are you having?[/quote]

Im just having a hard time combining grind fineness, dosing, tamp pressure, coffee types and infusion times.
With the Cremina, I was getting away with grinding extremely fine updosing and pulling like crazy on the lever...
It was more like driving a truck then a sports car...
Most of the shots I am getting now are sink shots. I have a pretty good idea what a good/bad shot is, it is now a matter for me of getting used to the machine and the tamping! I have no prior experience with a semi-auto.
My experience with espresso making starts with a "steam toy" with no grinder 5 years ago to a europiccola and rocky 3 years ago,
followed by a cremina and Sj to now, a Sj and Viv1 :!:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

What beans are you pulling shots with? Dark or light roast? How far above your zero point on the SJ are you grinding. What temp are you using? Dose?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Niko »

John is right, fiddlefly.
Only use good beans, really good beans will give you good results. ;-)

As for roasting your own, you know what to do....hit up that other part of the forum for roasting threads :blackeye:
If you're not information-overloaded already :grin:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »


I suggest you go to "Caffe in Gamba" on rue Park. They carry fresh (less than 2 week old) Intelligensia, PT's, 49th, Klatch. Try the new Belle Espresso from Klatch (LA). With the new Vivaldi, SJ, and Klatch beans. you will have all the elements to make the best espresso the entire WORLD !

Seriously though, it will give you a good idea of the upper envelope. While you at it, have a talk with the owner JF Leduc, he's very knowledgeable guy.

Also, go to Myriade on Mackay street near Concordia Universtiy and have an espresso from Anthony Benda and Scott Rao (2 espresso legends) on their new Mirage machine. This will firmly establish what the TRUE upper envelope is like. (They sell only 49th beans).

But be warned, at $20 a pound, you may develop a very expensive addiction to great beans. And as you have already noticed, owning the S1 will double your consumption.

There's a reason why everyone here has several roasters. :lol:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

Endo wrote: Also, go to Myriade on Mackay street near Concordia Universtiy and have an espresso from Anthony Benda and Scott Rao (2 espresso legends) on their new Mirage machine. This will firmly establish what the TRUE upper envelope is like. (They sell only 49th beans).
Scott left sunny Calif. for the frozen north? When we exchanged a few emails earlier this year he was just moving to So Calif.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

JohnB wrote:
Endo wrote: Also, go to Myriade on Mackay street near Concordia Universtiy and have an espresso from Anthony Benda and Scott Rao (2 espresso legends) on their new Mirage machine. This will firmly establish what the TRUE upper envelope is like. (They sell only 49th beans).
Scott left sunny Calif. for the frozen north? When we exchanged a few emails earlier this year he was just moving to So Calif.
Oh I know all these people and gladly and frequently indulge in the quality of the products they sell and the knowledge they have! I've followed Anthony from Veritas and am now a Myriade frequent flyer! Same for JF and In Gamba (different school, but brilliant nonetheless!)
The reason why I was lookin for older beans (not lower quality) is because as stated by Endo above, 20$ a pound and 3 pounds in three days ... may be chump change for some but I surely find it expensive for sink shots.
My goal was to find quality beans at a discounted price due to past due prime...
I really like 49th and Intelli although I find that black cat is a hit and miss (as my pound from yesterday is) (roast date dec 22(a bit old I find( compared to a batch I bought a month ago that was superb))

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Scott left sunny Calif. for the frozen north? When we exchanged a few emails earlier this year he was just moving to So Calif.[/quote]

Well I dunno if he permanently lives here but I believe Myriade was opened as a partnership he with Anthony (Benda)
And he is there from time to time.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

JohnB wrote:What beans are you pulling shots with? Dark or light roast? How far above your zero point on the SJ are you grinding. What temp are you using? Dose?
I have used a variety of beans... PT's coffee espresso blend Intelligentsia's B-C and a variety from 49th (single origin); Organic Adem Bedane from Ethiopia (light roast), Rioki AA from Kenya, El Salvador COE#24 Miralvalle (I dunno the roast for the last twos but suspect light)

For grinding, I go in between 7 and 8 (trying to fig. it out)

For temperature, it is set at 95 (but Im gonna start to fiddle with that once my other parameters are more stable)

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

You can follow the ongoings at Myriade on Anthony's blog:


Lot's of interesting coffee discussions.

They are having a tasting session this Sunday. Not sure I can make it, but it would be fun. They are 2 of the best, and one could learn a lot.

How long do you think before someone in Montreal start's a world class gourmet roaster to compete with 49th, Intelligensia, Klatch, etc? Montreal is definitely surfing a huge coffee wave these days, where nothing existed 1 year ago. Very exciting times here! :bounce:
Last edited by Endo on Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote:
JohnB wrote:What beans are you pulling shots with? Dark or light roast? How far above your zero point on the SJ are you grinding. What temp are you using? Dose?
I have used a variety of beans... PT's coffee espresso blend Intelligentsia's B-C and a variety from 49th (single origin); Organic Adem Bedane from Ethiopia (light roast), Rioki AA from Kenya, El Salvador COE#24 Miralvalle (I dunno the roast for the last twos but suspect light)

For grinding, I go in between 7 and 8 (trying to fig. it out)

For temperature, it is set at 95 (but Im gonna start to fiddle with that once my other parameters are more stable)
All in the last two days! :shock: :shock:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

I'm wondering how you can be grinding for Espresso on a Super Jolly between 7&8. Where is true zero on your grinder? If you are trying to get used to the machine & dial in the grinder you'd be better off sticking with one blend until you get things sorted. Are you aligning the numbers on the adjustment dial with the notch in the top of the SJ case?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote:
I have used a variety of beans... PT's coffee espresso blend Intelligentsia's B-C and a variety from 49th (single origin); Organic Adem Bedane from Ethiopia (light roast), Rioki AA from Kenya, El Salvador COE#24 Miralvalle (I dunno the roast for the last twos but suspect light)

For grinding, I go in between 7 and 8 (trying to fig. it out)

For temperature, it is set at 95 (but Im gonna start to fiddle with that once my other parameters are more stable)
Your temp is way high for the Ethiopian; try 90-91*c with a 13-14g dose. 93-95C works well with the La Bella Vita & B/C depending on what flavors you prefer with 15-18g doses. Stay cooler for the light roasts & hotter for the dark.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

How long do you think before someone in Montreal start's a world class gourmet roaster to compete with 49th, Intelligensia, Klatch, etc? Montreal is definitely surfing a huge coffee wave these days, where nothing existed 1 year ago. Very exciting times here! :bounce:[/quote]

Yes indeed! Most of the roasters are from the old world it seems (they also gave the 10 pound torch) Like it dark, roast it boy!
I dunno about the future somebody told me once they were planning on something like a small batch in store roasting...
I think Myriade should do that! :bounce:
I dont know if the wave is as big as it seems though! :?:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

JohnB wrote:I'm wondering how you can be grinding for Espresso on a Super Jolly between 7&8. Where is true zero on your grinder? If you are trying to get used to the machine & dial in the grinder you'd be better off sticking with one blend until you get things sorted. Are you aligning the numbers on the adjustment dial with the notch in the top of the SJ case?
LOL! yes... I forgot to mention, my 0 is @ 7 minus 2 and the end is at like... 2
does that make sense?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

For temperature, it is set at 95 (but Im gonna start to fiddle with that once my other parameters are more stable)[/quote]

Your temp is way high for the Ethiopian; try 90-91*c with a 13-14g dose. 93-95C works well with the La Bella Vita & B/C depending on what flavors you prefer with 15-18g doses. Stay cooler for the light roasts & hotter for the dark.[/quote]

Eh! Thank You ! Ill try that! (on to the online instruction book)

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote:
LOL! yes... I forgot to mention, my 0 is @ 7 minus 2 and the end is at like... 2
does that make sense?
Not really,what do you mean the end is at 2? Where is the factory Espresso label located on your chrome ring? The fine/coarse label with 3 arrows. Normally if you align the center arrow with the notch in the body you will be within a line or two of your ideal espresso grind spot. On both of my SJs I grind 9 lines up from my true zero.

Endo - Where is true zero on your SJ?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

The sticker is in between 7 and 9 so Im @ about 3 lines before 8

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

I guess there is more variation in the SJ settings then I thought. The center arrow in the decal on my old style SJ points to 1.1 & on my new style SJ its 8.7.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

My 2008 SJ has the arrow on 2.5.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

Endo wrote:My 2008 SJ has the arrow on 2.5.
That is bizarre as my 06 is at 8.7. The only difference I can think of would be the length of the threads which you would think would be cut the same on a production line. But then again these are made in Italy where precision engineering isn't exactly a way of life.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

So, after researching far and wide my options, I opted for ordering a few things from Chris's Coffee...
The filter/softener package was the least expensive, even with the exchange rate and the rest...
I ordered other then the filtration system,
a naked p-f
a pre infusion chamber
+a backflushing disk (that was missing)

any other suggestion as to other needful things i should get?

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Oh yeah,

I've been having a hard time with my shots... looks like foaming and verrrry premature blonding and quick pours. Tastes sour (acidic?). It is written on the bag that it is supposed to taste like fruits... even closing my eyes doesn't do it... :roll:
light roast 92-93 degrees, tamping 30 pounds...

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

fiddlefly wrote:Oh yeah,

I've been having a hard time with my shots... looks like foaming and verrrry premature blonding and quick pours. Tastes sour (acidic?). It is written on the bag that it is supposed to taste like fruits... even closing my eyes doesn't do it... :roll:
light roast 92-93 degrees, tamping 30 pounds...
Check your brew pressure is at 9 bar.

As far as accessories are sure you want to spend more? You seem to be getting close to $300 as it is.

My accessory wish list looks like this:

Espro Tamper - got it already
Naked PF - on the way
Bumper Tamping Stand - for single spout, on the way too.
Blind Basket - on the way
S5 steam arm - on the way
4 hole tip - on the way
Pre-infusion kit - holding off for 6 months so I can truly measure the improvement
Spare diffuser (while other is soaking) - holding off for now
Water hardness strips - on the way
Cafiza - on the way
Grindz - on the way
PF Pressure Gauge - holding off for now
Fluke Multimeter and k-thermocouple - holding off for now's getting pricey for all these toys.
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Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by chas »

Owning an Italian espresso machine is just like owning an Italian sports car. You have to become your own mechanic...and that means lots tools and gadgets, too!

BTW: I have a Bumper tamper stand, too. However, if you just need something workable to put a single spout PF on for tamping, get a 2" PVC pipe coupler in the plumbing section of your local HW store. The inner diameter of those is actual 2 3/8" which is perfect to set your PF on top of.
LM GS/3 & LaSpaziale Dream v 1.25 (US 120V)
Mazzer Kony E, Customized Rocky
Hottop P/B

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Yes... My black Ferrari is pretty fast!!!!
That p-f stand is an excellent idea Chas... but i bet it doesn't look as good as the bumper stand thingy sitting beside your black Ferrari either! :lol:

As far as my damned pressure, i have no clue what it's at! I almost ordered a gauged p-f but as you highlighted, Endo, I am getting at the point where... I just may wanna stop spending, as this is getting spendy ;-) .

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

1 Other thing for nowww!
Do you people think a scale is necessary? I've been dosing by looks (lol) and what I did with the Cremina (cramming the coffee in) just ain't workin with the sporty car... I've been havin problems with the bolt and the screen destroying the surface of my pucks.
I've had to redose/distribute many times

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

fiddlefly wrote:1 Other thing for nowww!
Do you people think a scale is necessary? I've been dosing by looks (lol) and what I did with the Cremina (cramming the coffee in) just ain't workin with the sporty car... I've been havin problems with the bolt and the screen destroying the surface of my pucks.
I've had to redose/distribute many times
I don't think a scale will help you. But if you want to try:

This one I can actully save you money on !

I bought a small scale for $11 that works great. I use it mostly for roasting. It arrived in one week and the quality is great for $11. The site is in Hong Kong and seems a bit "dodgy", but many coffee geeks have bought from here and are very happy. It works through PayPal so there is not too much risk (all you could lose is $11).

Here it is:

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by fiddlefly »

Eh Endo did you get your toys from Caffe Tech??

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by JohnB »

fiddlefly wrote:1 Other thing for nowww!
Do you people think a scale is necessary? I've been dosing by looks (lol) and what I did with the Cremina (cramming the coffee in) just ain't workin with the sporty car... I've been havin problems with the bolt and the screen destroying the surface of my pucks.
I've had to redose/distribute many times
Definitely buy a scale & switch to the thinner diffuser plate if you have the thick one.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

fiddlefly wrote:Eh Endo did you get your toys from Caffe Tech??
I keep missing the UPS guy at my house. Next time I'll get it delivered to a UPS Customer Center but I sure wish they shipped via Canda Post instead. But I should get it tonight ! Can't wait to have a naked PF again.

I plan on trying the 0.9mm 4 hole tip with my original short steam arm before I switch over to the longer S5 arm. This way I can see if the microfoam improves more due to the tip or the added length.
Last edited by Endo on Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Newb,,, How does it hold together???

Post by Endo »

JohnB wrote:Definitely buy a scale & switch to the thinner diffuser plate if you have the thick one.
I'm not so convinced about the thinner diffuser. I'll buy one simply because I need a spare when I'm soaking my original (and they are only $20), but since I already get around 17g in the basket with the 13mm, I dont see the need for the 11mm.
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