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How Much Teflon Tape To Use?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:45 am
by JerDGold
Just replaced my steam boiler. Glad to find out a dead heating element was the issue.

However, after heating, about half of my connections are leaking at where they're connected to the boiler or at the ends of my tubing. Not sure if they're either

A) Just not tight enough or...
B) I didn't use enough teflon tape. I wrapped everything about twice, but maybe it should be thicker? I'm going to try and make everything tighter once it cools back down, but how much tape should I use?

Re: How Much Teflon Tape To Use?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:02 pm
by chas
I would think 2 wraps should do it. Trying tightening the nuts first. If that doesn't work try 3 wraps.