Mini-V2 vs. V2 Popularity Poll
Mini-V2 vs. V2 Popularity Poll
The Mini-V2 has been shipping since 11/9/07. If you purchased a Mini-V2 or a regular V2 since that date, let us know which one
Last edited by admin on Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
S1 Cafe Admin
Voting is pretty light so far. Don't forget to weigh in with your vote if you are a recent purchaser.
S1 Cafe Admin
I got mine delivered right on the opening date of the poll, so I won't vote. Anyway it's funny cause initially I ordered a mini VII, then when I advanced the money it turned out I can have a mini (VI) or a plumbed VII. So I chose the plumbed VII. After only few days of using it I know I would never ever want a pourover... so it's perfect timing with the mini-VII for me! (which wasn't available officially when I was ordering) :D