Well, after removing that lawyer feature - I mean jumper, I ran two roasts on AUTO.
I slept at the wheel and made a Starbucks Blend, it was dark oily and nasty Full French, Youch! It hurt to over roast any beans like that (cheap or not).
I've never ever roasted that dark before, sorry but I was mesmerized by the sound (or lack of) compared to the iRoar.
The 2nd batch was much better, not past Full City but the roaster acted kind of strange.
The big brass screw is screwy, meaning it's kind of clunky how this adjusts the smoothness of the drum(?), I loosened it a touch and the drum wasn't scraping anymore (what a bucket!).
Another thing I really don't care for the chaffy roasts
The iRoar kicks the crap out of the Hottop for chaff collection, probably because the iRoar is so noisy it scares the chaff off!
So my my-of-box experience was awful.
My first roast almost resulted in the fire department showing up to cool the roast for me.
Oh, oh...almost forgot, the Hottop did something really weird on the 2nd roast. I know it has a preheat cycle before the 1st roast and a cool down before the 2nd but this was a little strange...it did its thing to cool down and then when it signaled to add beans, the beans were added and the roast started to count down and the heat was registering like normal but the roaster was doing nothing! It kept counting down and registering the roast in progress but it drum remained motionless for while and didn't start to kick on until a couple of minutes later! --is this normal??