Mazzer Major mod.

Discussion of coffee grinder hardware. How to get the most out of specific grinders. Cleaning and maintenance issues with grinders. Comparison of different grinders.
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The Paramedic

Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »


I'm new at this site, and I'm from Denmark so please bare over with the spelling!! :)

I just bougth me at used Mazzer Major Drogheria grinder. The thought is to remodel it to a Major Electronic and I'm wondering if any of you ever tried it?
A friend told me there's a lot of static, but would an antistatic (exitchute-thing) resolve the problem?

My question is, has any of you tried this mod with any luck or would you not recommend me doing it? Another option is to buy a doser.

My goal is this link



Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by Endo »


There are lots of users here where English is not there first language, so no worries.

Did you calculate the cost of all the necessary parts to do the conversion? I think it's pretty expensive. What are you hoping to gain? If you after timed dosing, you can simply add a timer for $50.

If you are intested in removing the doser and adding the $200 funnel, I think you'll find things start getting more clumpy. I know JohnB has done this before on his Mazzer so he might be able to give some more details.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Than you for teh fast reply

I have a Mazzer SJ doser with a darkroom-timer, and I would love to gain ''grind on demand''

On the youtube video I linked to I don't find any clumping. I hav also seen a Major E in action at a cafe in Helsingborg Sweden. It looked very good. No clumping, grind on demand, 4,5 sek for 20 g of coffee. :grin:

I have a Mazzer supplier here in Denmark and he can send me the parts for about 150$. I dont need the lid with the timer buttons as I have a darkroom timer. The thing is that he only has the Mazzer Mini funnel but it should work he said.

It not the clumping i'm woried about, more the static.


Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

The Mini funnel fits the SJ fine but will come up short on the Major. Biggest issue is the backing plate that works on the SJ is going to be over an inch too short at the top to cover the Major opening. I used the SJ/Mini kit on my Major & covered the open area with metal tape. It is hidden behind the funnel so you don't see it. The bend in the SJ back plate needs to be tweaked to match the Major opening & I removed some material at the bottom of the plate so it fit the Major better. The chute opening in the Mini funnel will have to be enlarged using a die cutter or dremel & the mounting holes need to be moved up slightly. If that doesn't bother you it is a static monster & that funky little grid (tossed it) doesn't do diddly to stop it. Since the Mini funnel is shorter then the Major funnel you can forget using the p/f holder as there is a big gap between the two.

Put a doser on it with the typical Mazzer doser mods & plug it into a timer.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Hi John

Thanks for you reply

Do you think it would work better with the original Major E (things), funnel, grid.... and so on?
Is there a grid for Major or is it an all round one that works on eighter model?


Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

There is a Major specific kit but it is much more expensive, at least over here & I don't know that the grid is any different. I tried several variations by slowly cutting out sections of the grid but wasn't happy with any of them. That grid makes it a real pain to clean out the chute & really doesn't do anything to reduce static based on my experience. If you look at the original Mazzer patents it was intended to break up clumps, not reduce static but they break up nicely when they smash into the side of the funnel so all it does is create aggrevation (IMO) by clogging the chute.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Hi again.

I borrowed a Mini-funnel from a friend of mine and put on my Major along with the grid. I must say, I'm REALLY suprised how perfect it preforms.

Here's a link to Picasa: link

There's a little video along with some pictures..

I'm gonna buy the Major funnel and a pf rest at some point but for now it just kick ass!! :) It's the fluffiest, most delicious grind I have ever created!! :grin: There's ofcourse the problem with the coffee stuck behind the grid, but i'll live with it and flush if nessesary.

The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

No comments on the videos??

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

I've been using the same set up as a back up grinder for ages so hard to get excited but glad your happy. :grin:

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by oton »

wow. Very fluffly. And very fast!
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Yes it is very fast.

I put in 151B blades witch are for the 3 fase Major and much faster than the normal 151A. 4,5 sek for 20 grams of coffee. :grin:

We are a few guys who are planing to build in a timer in the mighty Major.. This grinder is gonna be more or less near perfect in my oppinion. I'm in love 8)


Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

In order to be perfect it would need 68mm conical burrs. :twisted: I ran my Major back to back with my K10WBC when I first bought the Compak thinking I would switch back & forth. After two days the Major became my decaf grinder.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Why is that?

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

I prefer the quality of the grounds from the K10. They are lighter/fluffier then those from the Major & the K10 brings out flavors that I don't get from the Major. Typical large conical burr vs large flat burr stuff.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

The thing with conical burrs, I heard, is that a lot of gruund coffee is left between the burrs after each shot. That means that you have to flush alot to get fresh coffee out of your grinder = a lot of wasted coffee. Can you confirm that?

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

Considering the huge areas under the Mazzer burrs that fill with grounds I'm surprised anyone would worry about that issue on a large conical. First off those areas don't exist on a K10 & second the issue you refer to isn't that grounds get trapped between the conical burrs it's the amount of grounds left in the burr chamber outside the burrs. The amount left behind depends on the size of that chamber. The Robur is famous for massive grounds retention, the K10 isn't too bad. If you grind with beans in the hopper you will need to purge approx. 6 grams after an idle session IF you swept the chute & included that with your last shot. If you left the chute full (why?) then you would purge 9-10g.

The beauty of the K10 is that it works really well if you single dose which is the ideal dosing method for home/low volume users. I single dose & vacumm the chute after a dosing session with the grinder running to clear out any stray grinds. The first dose after doing this will lose .5-1 gram of coffee as the vac pulls out grounds from areas that fill in & stay filled in during normal use. After the first shot I get back everything except .1-.2g. so waste when single dosing is minimal.

Considering the size & design of the Major burrs I would expect to find much more trapped between the burrs then you would ever find with a conical. Don't get me wrong, I think the Major is an excellent flat burr grinder, but I prefer what I get in the cup with the K10.

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by Endo »

If you want the best, no doubt the K10 WBC is up there.

If you are looking for the best pricepoint grinder to go with the S1 (let's say you aren't on a Speedster or GS/3 budget) :lol: , you can't beat a used Major or SJ (at 1/3 the cost of a new K10). The new Vario hits close too.

You should be happy with your choice! You made a good one.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

No I'm not on a gs3/speedster budget!! :bom: They are heavely overpriced if you ask me... but that's another discussion ;-)

My Major is gonna cost me a bit more than 300 dollars in total. I just sold my Super Jolly for 450 dollars so I think this is a win win!!

I can conclude that the mod i made works extremly well, and I'm very very happy with it. I found a solution to the problem with the ''old'' coffee behind the grid that you can't remove without flushing!!!! I always give the first shot to my wife :lol:

Thanks for input.

The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

So I got The Mighty Mazzer Major up and running, and I shot a video of me making a cappuccino. :grin:

Hope you like it

youtube link


Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

A small shop vac will solve the old grinds behind the grid problem & your wife will get a better drink. Any static issues with the funnel? When I used mine I'd always have to brush the inside as a fair amount of grounds would stick to the sides.

By the way the idea that the GS3 & the Speedster might be over priced seems to be popular with non owners. I haven't heard that complaint from those that use one everyday. :twisted:
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

shop vac? vacuum cleaner??

I have NO problems AT ALL with static.

link Look at this video, the grind runs needly and no coffee is left in the funnel.

link In this video I took out the grid and look how much static there is. The grid works for me.
If you meen a vacuum cleaner I don't think it will solve the problem with old coffee. The grid only works when the exit chute is full. If i clean the chute it will take half a shot to fill it and in the meanwhile static occurs.

The comment about GS3 and Speedster is probably because I'm a bit envious :-? I'd probably prefer a LM Linea 1 group if I could choose and had the money and space for it.

The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

The Major doserless now have a doser brother. I'm still very very happy with the doserless mod, and the next step is to build in a digital timer Digital Twin timer so that I can ajust the amount of ground coffee more precise. I'm not sure what to do with the doser model just yet. I just modded it with The Elvinator and the Sweep mod so it's good to go. Maybe I'll sell it after I get a brand new set of burrs home and installed. Let's see, so far the wife hasn't complained over the loss of space at the kitchentable. :grin:
spaz.2major2.jpg (47.62 KiB) Viewed 27883 times
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

New mods to my Majors :)
Major Anton berg.jpg
Major Anton berg.jpg (28.19 KiB) Viewed 27852 times
Major Anton berg2.jpg
Major Anton berg2.jpg (42.48 KiB) Viewed 27852 times
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

Hi again.

Just bought a ney used Mazzer Major and it makes a lot of noice when it's on. I think it might be the ball bearing that is making all the noice cause when i looked at the burrs they were rusty all over. I think someone spilled some wather down to the burrs and maybe down to the ball bearing . Any expreince taking a Mazzer apart all the way down to the ball bearing??

i have taken the burrs out and the thing the lovest burrset was fastened to off, and now I don't know what to do. :-?


Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

I've changed bearings on an SJ which would be the same. You are going to need to remove the rotor assy which drives the lower burr. This requires a good deal of disassembly inside the grinder to get things out of the way. The rotor shaft will need to be pressed down & out of the upper bearing once you've removed the lower rotor mounting plate. There is a bearing in that plate that should be replaced why you have it out. If all this sounds like too much work I'd suggest dropping off the Major at your local electric motor repair shop or machine shop & let them do the job. The bearings are the same top & bottom and are fairly common & cheap.
The Paramedic

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by The Paramedic »

I can't get the bearings out or the whole motor for that matter.. I'm stuck!!
How do i get the motor out?? I removed the 4 screws in the buttom and everything else i can get to!!
major 1.jpg
major 1.jpg (49.78 KiB) Viewed 27725 times

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by JohnB »

Hopefully that is coffee oil & not rust on the bearing races! As I said you need to press the shaft down & out of the bearing. This requires a hydraulic bench press or arbor press. Alternatively since you won't be reusing that upper bearing you could sit a block of hardwood on top of the shaft & give it a few good wacks with a mallet or hammer. You would want to be sure & hit it straight on as bending the rotor/burr shaft is a big no-no. I used a press.

Also you aren't removing the motor, only the rotor, the stator assy will stay in place. Did the lower bearing come out in the cover or stay on the lower rotor shaft?

Re: Mazzer Major mod.

Post by Endo »

The hammer should work, but if not, you can always get creative using a car jack as a press.
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